Frequently Asked Questions

Quick answers to your common questions.

We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

Our support team is at your service and you can contact us by various methods on our website, such as contact form, email, whatsapp, chat or phone call.

It is free to submit your real estate investment listing, and we provide competitive quotes based on your listing before publishing it on our platform and distributing it to our audience, so that we can offer you the best value for money!

Our team is working hard to be as fast as possible, but please allow 48-72 hours for our team to review and approve your submissions. If we have any further queries, we tend to get back within 24 hours.

Our headquarters are in the financial capital of the world, London, and within the city, we are based in Old Street, known as the financial district of London. We are also in the process of acquiring an office in the other financial hub of the world, New York in the USA. Our strategic initiatives include exploring real estate investment opportunities to further strengthen our global presence.

You can pay by using our payment options available at the footer of our website or any of our pages where the payment option exists. Please be sure to state your reference which you will be provided in our correspondence to you.

You can find a wealth of knowledge and information on our Blog page which is completely free to access! However, to access more advanced resources, we do charge a small fee. You can register your interest here [link it to knowledge base page cta] and become one of the early subscribers to have a whole year’s free access to such advanced resources.

Of course you can! Simply click on Become an EI Affiliate [link takes to page] and apply to become our affiliate! Our team will get back to you within 48-72 hours once they have reviewed your application.

Our website is fully optimized for mobile use. However, on public demand, we are also now setting up a dedicated mobile app for our mobile-savvy users.

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